Family Caregiver Coaching

Family Caregiver Coaching

"What are we supposed to do next?"


As a family caregiver, have you ever sat in shock or disbelief, your head full of questions, and the only one you can get out is, “what are we supposed to do next?”

Me too.

As a loved one of a family member living with mental illness, we play a critical role in supporting their wellness and recovery throughout their life time. In moments of processing an unexpected diagnosis, or managing a crisis, or simply trying to figure out how to be the most supportive person you can be on your loved one’s journey, there are often more questions than there are answers.

Our Family Caregiver Coaching Program is designed to help you walk through many of the big topics that we wrestle with over time


The Topics We Journey Through

Navigating the confusing mental health care system

Establishing healthy communication patterns

Releasing blame and shame

Exploring ambiguous loss and grief

Aligning our care for others with living our own full lives

Owning our boundaries

Practicing emotion awareness and regulation

Wellness planning and crisis response tips

Frequently Asked Questions

Is coaching the same as therapy?

No, coaching helps you with your goals, but it is not therapy. Coaching is also not a replacement for therapy or other clinical services. If you are navigating your own personal mental health diagnosis, our coaching program may be a helpful companion service to therapy, but it is not a replacement.

What is the time commitment?

Coaching is most effective over time, to help you develop and practice new skills, form new habits, and to encourage you on your goals. We will work together to determine the length of program that best fits your family’s unique situation, and the goals you have established.

Generally, we find that clients see the most benefit from coaching when they actively engage in one hour a week of coaching, with three to five hours of homework each week, for a minimum of six weeks.

How much does it cost?

Coaching is an investment in living your own full life, while balancing the care of others. Depending on the duration and frequency of the program you believe is right for you, you can expect the cost of the program to range from $600 - $1800. Payment plans are available.

What do I do next?

If you’re ready to get started with the Family Caregiver Coaching Program, or you have additional questions, please schedule a time below for your free introductory call.

Schedule An Intro Call

"Your coaching has helped me have a deeper understanding of my daughter's illness. It's also helped me react differently when I interact with her -- with more compassion and patience."

~ Mother of a Daughter with Schizophrenia

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